知識分享 - 無障礙空間相關建築規章 DIN 18024 & DIN 18025

BARRIERFREE BUILDING AND PRODUCT DESIGN - A better life without hindrance

Irrespective of age, capability, disability or social standing, all of us, as human beings, as partners in society, have the same right to equal opportunity, self-determination, and independence,that is to lead a life as free as possible, free from any form of discrimination, in our chosen surroundings.

In the industrialised countries, increasing life expectancy, coupled with a drop in the birth rate, is leading to a shift in the demographic structure of society, to a sharp rise in the proportion of older people in the population. This demographic development involves both social and economic aspects. Architects, town planners and designers must take due account of both aspects in their work. The criteria of barrier-free building and living specified in DIN Standards have proved a reliable foundation on which such considerations may fruitfully be based.

Major goals of the standards target improvements in the field of public buildings and personal environment, in private and public transport, in leisure and travel, in product and communication design at all levels, as well as in engineering and applied technology. These aims also include the enhancement of training and further education programmes and the improvement of workplaces for the disabled as a means of ensuring equal rights and duties for all.

DIN 18024-1 Barrier-free building, Part 1: Streets, squares, paths, public areas and parks, including playgrounds 規範詳細內容

DIN 18024-2 Barrier-free building, Part 2: Buildings and workplaces open to the public 規範詳細內容

DIN 18025-1 Part 1 : Barrier-free accommodation for wheelchair users, Part 2: Barrier-free dwellings 規範詳細內容

(知識分享 - 無障礙空間相關建築規章 DIN 18024 & DIN 18025)

歡迎洽詢 - 專案負責人:潘崇廉 02-2558-9256